Mr. Ramazeri, you are the first writer i've encountered to quote Jan Hus - he's almost completely ignored by western european historians and none of my educated friends know of him

but you do, and you're Iranian

impressive analysis

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Impressive analysis indeed! Mr. Mazaheri’s journastic skills and in depth scholarship leave me humbled and grateful that I was able to follow Todd’s thesis and the convincing critique and use of socialist thought to support his argument. I can easily see Ramin following a trajectory similar to that of Pepe Escobar in the realm of geopolitical journalism by sharing a deep understanding of cultures far beyond the one he was born into - with a style and wit that engages the reader. I’m sure others will agree!

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“Western democracy” has become an oxymoron?

Mongol warriors greatly valued their democratic right to elect their leaders, like Chingizz Khan.

But not a single warrior thought he was, therefore, living in a democracy. The Khan was an elected, absolute leader.

So are Western leaders. Lincoln’s Secretary of State, William Henry Seward: “We elect a king for four years and give him absolute power within certain limits which, after all, he can interpret for himself”.

Proof of this seems hardly necessary, but sociologists Gilens and Page dug into 70 years of stats and concluded: 'The central point of our research is that economic elites and organized business interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence'.

Modern American presidents have executive powers that even the Great Khan would envy.


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Fantastic summary Ramin. Todd asks, "Is nihilism worse than Liberal Democracy?". This is like asking, "is President Biden worse than President Trump?". Liberal Democracy in practice are words to hide reality; Imperialism, Oligarchy, majority of wealth channeled to the top 1% etc.

In 2013, Xi Jinping made an interesting speech explaining "ideological nihilism" is what ends a system (in reference to Socialist USSR).


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