1 Comment
May 3Edited

"Thus “slaveholders” did not secede against France, like in the US in 1861"

The reason the slaveholders (Southern US Confederacy) wanted to secede from the North (Lincoln's Union) is because the South was already a client of British "Liberal" capitalism. The North was promoting a Federally controlled sovereign banking system with the sole power to issue currency for "Industrial Capitalism"; building industry, railroad and expanding trade. As Lord Robert Cecil told the British parliament at the time:

“The Northern States of America never can be our sure friends because we are rivals, rivals politically, rivals commercially…With the Southern States, the case is entirely reversed. The population are an agricultural people. They furnish the raw material of our industry, and they consume the products which we manufacture from it. With them, every interest must lead us to cultivate friendly relations, and when the war began they at once recurred to England as their natural ally.”

Unfortunately, the United States is not what the Founding Fathers wanted because it's been infiltrated and subverted by it's former colonial masters (the British Empire) who use Neo-liberal and Neo-colonial methods under the guise of Liberal Democracy:


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